What is Data Replication - Pravesh Patel


Friday 16 April 2021

What is Data Replication

Data replication is a process of creating multiple copies of data at more than one location; either PCs, servers, sites or nodes. It helps synchronize and distribute data in such a way that ensures consistency and ease of accessibility around the data centers. An upgrade or update made in one duppe of the data can be easily translated in rest of the replica, so data replication is faster, secure and easy.


Data replication allows you to access consistent data across servers or remote workplaces, load data into private data centers, give information to test frameworks, provides disaster recovery management measures and that’s only the tip of the iceberg for this two-word process.

Data Replication Portfolios

There are a number of companies that are currently providing data replication services to their users. Some of the best solutions are definitely from the big names such as IBM InfoSphere®, Google Cloud SQL, Huawei Cloud, and Microsoft SQL Server Replication. In this article, we have rounded up brief details about these portfolios. Let us walk through these secure and convenient data replication services one by one.

  • IBM InfoSphere

IBM InfoSphere Data Replication portfolio provides high volumes of data with a low rate of latency. It is considered to be an ideal solution for enterprises with multisite data distribution and uninterrupted flow of data — regardless of whether over the servers to the datacenters, from on-premises, or to the cloud. This vigorous support for sources, targets, and platforms guarantees the correct data is accessible in data lakes, data marts, and point-of-impact solutions, which in return would enable companies for fast and secure data utilization and higher ROI.

IBM InfoSphere® Solutions:

  • Simplified real-time data integration for your big-data initiatives
  • Agile, low-impact integration of data
  • High availability & continuous data protection

  • Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud SQL is a cloud computing service offered by Google. It gives the ability to replicate data in the form of a “master instance” first and then one or more “read replicas”. Whatever changes are made into master instances are shown in the read replica in real-time. Due to heavy databases, master instance may get over-crowded. In order to diminish load on the master instance, the queries can be shifted towards read read replicas. You just need to remember the connection name and IP address to directly connect with the read replicas.


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